Life is Good

I’m sitting in a river, resting against a large smooth rock that slants away from the water. It’s as if I am sitting in nature’s recliner.

This morning I took a bus from Puerto Vallarta to Boca de Tomatlan, and then took a water taxi to a small isolated village named Quimixto. There are no roads that lead here.

The water taxi is like a small fishing boat that ferries people and supplies back and forth, three of us plus the driver were on this voyage.

After walking down a small cobblestone path through the village, the path ended at the river. I guess you could call it a river, maybe stream would be a better description. The stream is about 40 yards wide and about 2 feet deep at it’s deepest. You can easily wade through the stream from one bank to the other.

Plush green trees reach out from the banks across the water, the kind of trees that you would find in the jungles of Mexico. Indeed, panthers, boars, and other wild animals live in these parts. Mountains rise on both sides of the stream, evidently this stream was more like a river at some point and cut a path through the mountains.

Birds sit high in the trees, and then swoop down from their perch to land in the stream and snag fish and whatever else they eat for breakfast. They also burrow their beaks into the sand to find snacks.

Donkeys and horses also share this stream, wandering into it occasionally for a drink.

About 20 yards in front of me are 2 small pigs that are held in a makeshift pen made of plastic netting. Behind the pigs is a large rock wall, and the pen is completed shaded. A little while ago I was startled by splashing water over my shoulder, the owner of the pigs was wading across the stream to give them some breakfast.

I can hear a symphony of sounds, pigs snorting, horse whinnies, a donkey’s heaonky, all sorts of bird sounds such as squawking, chirping, hooting, and singing. And the sound of the water, there`s nothing quite like the sound of water flowing gently downstream cascading over rocks.

It`s about 9:00 A.M. and the sun is shining brightly overhead and warmly on my back. The temperature is pleasant now, but will rise to above 90 degrees today.

My butt is in the stream, I’m leaning back against the rock, I have a rolled-up shirt for a pillow, a pad in my lap, and a pen in my hand.

Life is good.

I wish that I could pass away right here, and then be ushered into the loving presence of God forever. Is there something wrong with that wish?

Of course, when they got the news my wife would be sad, my family and friends would be sad, there would funeral arrangements to be made, a settling of my estate (“Do you want some of Keith`s tools? I will not need them.”), and maybe a big yard sale to liquidate the rest (I hope that there are bargains galore). But before too long, everyone would go on with their lives.

God alone knows the time and manner of our passing. So while we are alive, let’s leave something good behind.

A smile, a meal, a handshake, wise counsel, safety, shelter, a hug, financial assistance, expertise, companionship, instruction, a kiss, laughter, health, clean water, shade, words of encouragement, and whatever else we feel inspired by God to be and do.