Lord willing, I will leave for Mexico on October 24th to volunteer for a week at a few different charities. I will be blogging while I am in Mexico, so I welcome you to join me on this journey. You can find my blog at http://fotopala.com/blog/.
If you would like to donate to this effort, I would be happy to assist you with that gift. My wife and I are paying all my travel expenses, and God has already provided us the funds for the trip, so we do not need your help in that area.
However, here are a few different ways for you to give:
Option 1: There are many indigent women and children who sit on the sidewalks of Puerto Vallarta with a plastic cup in front of them. I suspect that 10 pesos (approx. $1 dollar) would be enough to feed a family like this for a whole day, and when I walk around the streets of Puerto Vallarta I would like to give away as many 10 peso coins as possible. If you would like to give in this way, send me the money and I will carry it to Mexico and give away every last peso.
Option 2: In Puerto Vallarta the following charities are providing some wonderful services:
- Isa Mundo Foundation, www.isamundo.org
- Volcanes Project, www.volcanesproject.com
- Cafe Roma Kids Program, http://kids.romamexico.com