Author Archives: admin


I have never raised a child, and I’m pretty sure I never will. But my heart aches today as if my only child was killed before my very eyes.

Hamzat Alexandrov was born April 17, 1998, God knows where in Europe. It could have been Russia, it could have been in some nearby country. His mother was a travelling gypsy who does not know the identity of the father. After raising him for several years in the travelling gypsy clan, one day she decided that she no longer wanted to be a mother … and she dropped Hamzat off somewhere.

I don’t know where she left him.

Several months later the Russian Government tracked her down and asked her if she wanted Hamzat back.

She said no.

I hope she did not just abandon him because she wanted the freedom to party. I sincerely hope that in her heart-of-hearts she believed that he would be better off being raised by others.

He ended up at the Yurievets Boarding School in the Ivanova Region of Russia, about 8 years old at the time and with no formal education to that point. He was way behind in school, but fortunately landed in a place where people love him.

I met Hamzat through a picture of him on a table in the foyer of church. A Christian organization had established roots in Russian orphanages, and he was one of many Russian orphans who needed a sponsor.

My wife Sheri liked his salute in the picture, thought he looked like a real character, and suggested that we pick him. I agreed, and I am so thankful we picked Hamzat.

Last June we had the good fortunate to be able to travel to Russia with a group of others to spend a week in Yurievets, and it was one of the most difficult yet rewarding weeks of my life. Getting to know Hamzat and the other kids at the orphanage was a special blessing that I will always cherish.

Since returning from our trip, we have written to him regularly … and periodically we have received updates about all the benefits that the sponsorship program provides the kids, including a personal note from Hamzat.

Until now.

Incredulously, the Russian Government has decided to end this particular sponsorship program. This means that we can no longer sponsor Hamzat financially, we can no longer send letters to him, and we can no longer receive updates about him and from him.

I don’t know whether to sob or scream … I keep bouncing back and forth.

I feel like someone has killed my only child right before my very eyes.


I had an interesting conversation yesterday with some associates on the topic of guns in Utah.

In our small group, I was a bit surprised to hear 2 of them admit to having a concealed weapon permit. But maybe I should not have been too surprised, for as I understand it in the State of Utah you can carry your concealed weapon onto school grounds. Guns are very popular here, and the “right to bear arms” is vigorously defended.

I listened as my associates described various scenarios that justify using lethal force, from protecting family to ensuring that you don’t get robbed. One associate, who I would have guessed would be afraid of guns, described having no qualms about putting buckshot in the ass of anyone who presented a threat.

After listening for awhile, I started to voice my concerns about the commonality of guns here, about carrying weapons and keeping them in the home.

I said, “What good is it to have a gun in the home to prevent robbery when surely you would keep it locked away so that your children are not harmed?” I was shocked to hear them, almost in unison, say that guns don’t need to be locked up as long as you teach your children from an early age how to respect guns and handle them. In fact, it is preferable not to lock them up so that they are always at the ready.

I said, “I think you guys are making a big mistake by ‘packing heat,’ because even if you seem to be justified in using a gun to protect yourself or whatever, you risk destroying someone’s life, risk experiencing lengthy courtroom participation, or risk civil suits and the like. No one was moved by these concerns.

As one associate was about to leave, I said, “There ain’t nothing I own, or will ever own, that is worth killing someone to protect it from being stolen.” He agreed.

Finally, in response to the argument that if criminals know you have a gun inside the house, they will pass your house and go to the next house, I said, “Well, you’re just pushing trouble onto your neighbor.” Silence.

On the drive home from work, as if on queue, I saw a large orange sign that said, Utah Gun Show – South Towne Expo Center. That happens to be the largest convention center here in Salt Lake City, a HUGE facility that is capable of holding dozens of RVs and camping trailers during the Camping Expo. I would imagine that there will be thousands of guns at the Gun Show.

A few miles later, I was driving behind a tow truck that had posted a message in large letters on the back windshield of the truck, it read, “Driver carries lots of cash … and plenty of ammunition.”

This morning, on the front page of there is a headline that reads, “Boy finds forgotten gun, shoots self in head.” No doubt his parents wish they had not kept THAT gun.

And I won’t even detail the tragedy in Mexico, which has some of the strictest guns laws in the world, but where border towns are becoming ghost towns because the drug lords have arsenals that they acquired in America.

I somehow think that we have moved beyond protecting country, and moved beyond protecting family, to protecting our stuff and our egos.


Not quite 2 months ago in my blog article entitled, “The Last Third,” I talked about the brevity of life. I suggested that it is sobering to think that at the age of 48, two-thirds of my life is already behind me … and only if statistics hold true and I live to be about 75 years old, the current average life expectancy for an American male.

But I also said, “God might have other plans for me and I will live only a few more moments.”

20 minutes ago I was informed that one of my best friends from high school, Jeff Fretti, passed away a couple of days ago. He had a heart attack while vacationing in Florida.


Just like that, Jeff passed into eternity. Alive.

I’m sad, and the tears are starting to pool in my eyes. It won’t be long before I have a good cry.

But I just have to post this blog before I mourn, because I urgently want myself to grasp the reality, and I urgently want you to grasp the reality, that we are going to die.

I am going to die. You are going to die. We are going to die … maybe sooner than we think we will.

Are we ready?

I am not going to put any condition on your life or mine. I am not going to say that we had better do this or that before we die, that we better believe this or that before we die, or else.

But I do want to say …

Love. Thank. Laugh. Create. Find. Touch. Forgive. Think. Accept. Feel. Bless. Give. Seek. Smile. Repent. Hug. Cultivate. Believe. Start. Kiss. Encourage. Strive. Worship. Ask. Hope. Behold.

Envy Can Be Your Friend

Do you consider envy a friend or foe? The choice is yours.

Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary defines envy as:

Painful or resentful awareness of an advantage enjoyed by another joined with a desire to possess the same advantage. (

Envy is your foe when you let “painful or resentful awareness” paralyze you. Instead of making changes in your life, you decide to remain in the pain … sometimes for years, or even a lifetime.

Get clear on what you envy, on who you envy. What is it about others that you envy? Is it their appearance … finances … friends … job … connections … skills … health … attitude … family … privileges … freedoms, etc.

First get clear on who you envy, and on what it is about them that you envy … and then do what you can to change yourself to become the person you want to be.

Granted, there are some things you cannot change … and may God grant you the serenity to accept the things you cannot change. For example, I envy professional golfers. I just think it would be so cool to be able to hit a golf ball the way professional golfers do. But at age 48, I just don’t see that there is any way I will ever have enough time, money, or desire to make the sacrifices, and practice enough, to become a professional golfer. At this point in my life I would have to give up too much I enjoy to make it even worthwhile to seek that goal. Nonetheless, I still envy professional golfers.

However, there are some things about others that you envy which are within your reach, and if only you took action and changed your life you could put yourself on paths toward some of your innermost desires.

For example, I have always envied accomplished drummers. I held that envy for many years and did nothing about it. I would feel upset in my heart at my parents for never giving me drum lessons as a child, I would think to myself that if only they would have done that for me as a child it would have been so easy to learn the drums. Finally, at the age of 37 I decided to let that envy be my friend and motivate me to do something about it, and I asked the drummer in our church band if ever considered giving drum lessons. Well, as it turns out, that is how he made a living. Next thing I know I am buying drum sticks, and I started drumming lessons the next week. The end result is that I discovered that extensive drum practicing was causing an old injury “tennis elbow” to emerge, and that I could keep drumming if I also maintained regular physical therapy. Ultimately, though I enjoyed my time drumming, I decided not to continue so that I could give my elbow a rest and pursue other goals.

Another example from my life is that I have always envied people who are bilingual. For many, many years I have watched people move effortlessly between two languages, and regretted the fact that I did not stick with the language study I began in high school. And for many, many years I would tell myself that I am too old to learn another language now. I just assumed that I would hold this envy for the rest of my life.

Until a few months ago. It became clear to me that I could be envious of bilingual people for the rest of my life, or I can let that envy motivate me to make a change in my life. So at the age 48, I began Beginner Spanish Class through the local adult education system. I have bought at least 3 books on learning Spanish, I bought flash cards to learn Spanish vocabulary, I bought a computer program to help me learn (which I am faithfully using), and I am already committed to finding a private tutor as soon as I reach a certain level of competency.

I don’t care that I might not reach Spanish fluency until I am in my 50’s … Lord willing, I will be that same age in a few years if I don’t study Spanish.

I don’t want to spend the rest of my life being envious of the bilingual, and so I am going to do what I can now to overcome this envy and move down a path where I believe I will find a blessing.

The Kingdom Within Us

God is sovereign,
Over the whole earth and the heavens above,
And we yield to His will in the Kingdom within us.

God is just,
He is always fair and can always be trusted,
We stake our lives on the justice of God in the Kingdom within us.

God is everywhere,
There is nowhere to hide from His presence,
We want God to rule in the Kingdom within us.

God is wise,
The fullness of the riches of all wisdom,
Is available to us in the Kingdom within us.

God is generous,
He seeks to give, to share, to bless, to sacrifice for us,
We believe that God always wants what is best for us in the Kingdom within us.

God is all-knowing,
He knows everything that can be known,
We know … that we know … that God knows us in the Kingdom within us.

God is true,
He is the Spirit of grace and truth,
And He holds each of us accountable for what is true in the Kingdom within us.

God is merciful,
When we are feeling low and unlovable,
God is seeking to forgive us in the Kingdom within us.

God is powerful,
There is no end to His power and might,
Beyond anything we thought possible in the Kingdom within us.

God is love,
The love of God is for us, in us, and through us,
The Kingdom of God is in our hearts, in the Kingdom within us.