Category: #Catholic

Whacky Medellin

Perhaps “whacky” is too strong a word to describe some of the differences that I have observed between Medellin and the culture that I usually experience, and no doubt there are many things that North Americans do that appear whacky to Paisas, but at least the title of this blog post is kind of catchy. […]

La Virgen del Rosario

Hoy es un dia muy importante en esta ciudad, es la celebración de la Virgen del Rosario. No lo sé cuando salí nuestro casa, pero mientras estaba caminando oí musica en la calle.  Entonces ví una procesión saliendo una iglesia Católica.  Las personas llevaban una mesa, y en la mesa había una estatua grande de […]

Abbey of the Holy Trinity Day 1

I write these words in Huntsville, UT, at the Abbey of the Holy Trinity. This monastery is home to contemplative Cistercian Monks commonly known as Trappists. Sheri and I have come here on retreat, and thus we are now officially Retreatants. Wow! Where do I begin? I have so much I want to say all […]