Category: #Spain

Lost in Translation

Our casita en Málaga has a TV with an attached DVD player, as well as an assortment of DVDs to watch if you so desire.  One of the movies is called “Lost in Translation,” a film that was produced about 10 years ago and that stars Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson.  Little did we know […]

Los Coches de España

I like to think that I am fairly well tuned-in to the auto industry, at least to the U.S. auto industry. Just about any time a new model is released I already know about it before it hits the streets, or if one happens to dodge my radar, I can generally spot a new model […]

Operatic Jazz, Orchestral Rock, and More

There are many things I enjoy about travel, but one of the things I enjoy most is getting out of my culture in order to experience life from a different perspective. It is a great exercise in breaking down preconceived notions about people, and hopefully it makes me less judgemental and more accepting of people […]

Estoy perdido!

My second week in Málaga is coming to a close, and I have some more adventures to tell you about.   Shortly after I sent last week´s email, I decided to go for a bike ride on the road that travels east beside the Mediterranean Sea, and I was excited about seeing the sea for […]

My first week in Málaga

¡Hola a todos! One week ago today I arrived in Málaga, Spain, and I´d like to tell you about some of my adventures and first impressions of this part of the world. After traveling for about 24 hours, including several hours spent in layovers, I landed in Málaga at about 4:30 PM local time (8:30 […]